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An available community for safe, decentralized interaction

An available community for safe, decentralized interaction

  • Imagine a global.
  • . where its as easy to content or phone anybody as it’s to deliver them a message.
  • . where you are able to communicate without having to be forced to install the exact same application.
  • catholicmatch discount. where you could select whom hosts your interaction.
  • . where your conversations are guaranteed by E2E encryption.
  • . where theres a straightforward standard HTTP API for sharing real-time information on the net.

Matrix is a available supply project that publishes the Matrix available standard for safe, decentralised, real-time interaction, and its own Apache licensed guide implementations.

Maintained by the Matrix that is non-profit.org Foundation, we make an effort to produce an available platform that will be as separate, vibrant and evolving given that internet it self. but also for interaction.

At the time of 2019, Matrix is out of beta, and the protocol is fully suitable for production usage june.


Matrix provides you with simple HTTP APIs and SDKs (iOS, Android os, Web) to generate chatrooms, direct chats and talk bots, detailed with end-to-end encryption, file transfer, synchronised conversation history, formatted messages, read receipts and much more.

Conversations are replicated over all the servers taking part in them, meaning there are not any solitary point of control or failure.

You are able to achieve every other individual when you look at the international Matrix ecosystem of over 25M users, also including those on other companies via bridges.

End-to-End Encryption

Matrix provides advanced end-to-end-encryption through the Olm and Megolm cryptographic ratchets. This helps to ensure that just the recipients that are intended ever decrypt your communications, while warning if any unforeseen products are included with the discussion.

Matrixs encryption is dependant on the Double Ratchet Algorithm popularised by Signal, but stretched to aid encryption to spaces containing tens of thousands of devices.

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