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customer Finance Monitor Consumer Response Annual Report analyzing complaints managed in 2014 indicate

customer Finance Monitor Consumer Response Annual Report analyzing complaints managed in 2014 indicate

CFPB, Federal Agencies, State Agencies, and Attorneys General

The CFPB’s Consumer Response Annual Report analyzing complaints managed in 2014 indicates that volume rose 53percent from 163,700 complaints in 2013 to 250,200 in 2014.

The report provides information in the most frequent forms of complaints for every single item, the control of complaints, and median financial relief. For the 250,200 complaints gotten in 2014, around 67% had been gotten through the CFPB’s internet site, 9% via phone calls, 15% via recommendations off their agencies and regulators, additionally the stability via mail, fax and e-mail. On the basis of the CFPB’s break down of the quantity of complaints gotten in each category, commercial collection agency (88,300), mortgages (51,200), and credit rating (44,800) taken into account 73% of most 2014 complaints. Commercial collection agency and credit scoring complaints had the biggest increases from 2013 (as soon as the quantity of complaints gotten ended up being, correspondingly, 31,100 and 24,200). Additionally, whilst in 2013 the CFPB received the essential complaints about mortgages, it received substantially more complaints in 2014 about business collection agencies than mortgages.

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