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Kentucky’s Local CreditUnions DELIVER BIG for the State’s Economy

Kentucky’s Local CreditUnions DELIVER BIG for the State’s Economy


With this , credit unions are producing programs that are new fulfill their users’ changing needs. As a result to these unprecedented circumstances Kentucky that is many credit are providing their communities:

  • Up to 90-Day deferment on loan re payments including mortgages
  • Skip-a-pay programs on car and house loans and charge cards
  • Usage of equity on automotive loans
  • Up to 90-Day no re re payment on brand new automobile financing
  • Waived fees for early CD withdrawals
  • Waived fees on overdrafts as well as other services
  • Lower rates of interest on loans
  • Crisis difficulty loans
  • Extended payment dates on collections
  • Worker Assistance take into account crisis funds
  • To find out more exactly how Credit Unions are giving an answer to the crisis, go to AmericasCreditUnions.


    Have Kentucky credit unions had a good effect on your daily life or community? Join your fellow Kentuckians and share your credit union tale today!

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    Kentucky’s credit unions are regional, community-based finance institutions which perform a role that is vital our state’s economy.

    Credit unions are not-for-profit and had been designed to provide people throughout Kentucky. That’s very good news for our state’s economy as earnings are gone back to members through solutions like free ATMs, better loan prices, and reduced fees. eventually, which means more income remains the following in Kentucky to simply help forward move our economy.

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