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15 comments people that are polyamorous Fed Up With Getting

15 comments people that are polyamorous Fed Up With Getting

Whenever individuals learn that I’m polyamorous and that I like up to now multiple lovers with everyone’s knowledge and permission, I have many different reactions.

Some express strong disapproval or also disgust. I’ve been told along or manipulating them or cheating on them, that what I’m doing is against nature and a sign of sickness that I clearly don’t love any of my partners, that I’m stringing them.

Fortunately, however, most people are completely cool along with it. They understand other people that are polyamorous or perhaps they’re even polyamorous themselves. They may say things such as “I’m maybe maybe not polyamorous, but healthy!” or “That feels like fun, but I’ve got my fingers complete with one.”

But there are those who fall somewhere within those ends regarding the range in terms of accepting that polyamory is just a valid solution to do relationships.

They could perhaps perhaps not think I’m doing any such thing morally incorrect, but they’re skeptical. They make inquiries which make it clear which they don’t actually determine what polyamory is approximately. I might refer to their comments as microaggressions if I were talking about marginalized identities.

It’s true that polyamory is a misunderstood and stigmatized relationship style while we should not conflate being polyamorous with being queer or a person of color.

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